Introducing Wavify

Manuel Plank·May 31, 2024

In the dynamic world of technology, few advancements are as transformative as the integration of voice into our daily interactions. We at Wavify are at the forefront of this revolution, providing cutting-edge on-device speech AI solutions. We are a small but passionate crew in Berlin and Munich, and we are dedicated to making voice the UI of the future.

What is wavify?

Wavify is a groundbreaking platform designed for software engineers who want to embed advanced speech recognition and wake word detection features into their applications. Our mission is to empower developers to create intuitive, voice-based applications that can operate seamlessly on any device. By focusing on edge inference, we ensure that our solutions are efficient, secure, and reliable, providing a robust foundation for the next generation of voice-driven technology.

Why on-device speech ai?

On-device speech AI offers several key advantages over cloud-based solutions. By processing voice commands locally, we can achieve lower latency and greater privacy. This means that applications built with Wavify can respond in real-time, protect user data more effectively, and operate more smoothly even in environments with limited internet connectivity.

Our vision

At Wavify, we believe that voice will soon be the primary interface for interacting with technology. As we move towards this future, we are committed to ensuring that voice AI is as diverse and inclusive as the users it serves. We understand that effective voice AI must be adaptable to different languages, accents, and speaking styles, and we are dedicated to making this a reality.

Empowering developers

Our goal is to democratize access to advanced speech processing tools. We want every developer, regardless of their background or resources, to have the ability to build powerful, voice-enabled applications. Whether you are developing a smart home device, a mobile app, or an innovative new software solution, Wavify provides the tools you need to integrate state-of-the-art speech recognition and wake word detection seamlessly into your product.

Join us on our journey

As a small team driven by a shared passion for edge inference and speech processing, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you are a developer looking to integrate voice capabilities into your project or simply someone interested in the future of speech AI, Wavify offers the expertise and technology to help you succeed. Voice is not just another interface; it is the future of interaction. At Wavify, we are dedicated to making that future accessible, efficient, and inclusive. Let's build the future of voice together.