Wake word

Unlock edge inference: cloud-level performance at your fingertips

Wavify is the platform for on-device speech AI. Software engineers can embed features like speech recognition and wake word detection into any software.

Key Features

Everything you need for your voice stack

We bring SOTA models and a cross-platform inference engine to your product.

Blazing Fast

Our platform is optimized for lightning-fast performance, ensuring your users have a seamless experience.

SOTA Quality

Stay on-device but enjoy cloud level performance for STT, wake word detection and voice commands tasks.

Private By Design

GDPR complicance built in. Users' voice data never leaves the device. No need for Data Processing Agreements.

Works With Your Tech Stack

Start using voice AI in your product in a few lines of code in your language. Our SDKs and demos offer a superb DX.


Wavify runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Web, Raspberry Pi, and embedded systems.


Speech technology as diverse as your users. We support 20+ languages.

By the numbers

Runtime performance on Raspberry Pi 5 running inference on jfk.wav.
EngineSizeTimeReal-time factor
(Whisper tiny)
Use Cases

Human voice as UI for every industry

Wavify is designed to meet the unique needs of businesses across a wide range of industries.


Wavify can help to streamline care documentation, automate diagnosis transcription, and provide AI therapy for mental health support.


Wavify can enable hands-free control of vehicle functions, help to provide real-time navigation assistance, and facilitate in-car entertainment and communication.


Wavify's speech-to-text engine can help to automate case documentation and transcribe court and meeting proceedings.

Consumer electronics

Use cases in consumer electronics include smart home automation, AI companions, voice control in apps, and voice interaction experiences in games.

Customer support

Wavify in customer support can transcribe conversations for accurate record-keeping and improve issue resolution by quickly converting spoken queries into actionable text.


In education, Wavify can assist by facilitating interactive learning and experiences.


Integrate Wavify in a few lines of code.

import os
from wavify.stt import SttEngine

engine = SttEngine("path/to/your/model", os.getenv("WAVIFY_API_KEY"))
result = engine.stt_from_file("/path/to/your/file")

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